Fixed Wire Inspection and Testing is a vital procedure to ensure the safety and compliance of your electrical installations. It involves checking and testing all the wiring and equipment that are permanently connected to the mains supply, such as panels and boards. The inspection includes both visual and electrical tests on all the systems in your building. Some circuits may need to be switched off temporarily for testing purposes.
Your electrical installations must comply with the wiring regulations set by the IET and BS 76711. The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 also require you to protect the health and safety of your employees and visitors from electrical hazards. The HSE can enforce these regulations legally.
Why choose Guardian Electrical for your Fixed Wire Inspection and Testing needs?
✔ Excellent customer service.
✔ Skilled and experienced engineers across the UK.
✔ Free editing and updates on TraQ-it, our online platform.
✔ Complete record management on-site.
✔ Instant access to updated documents via TraQ-it.
Guardian Electrical can also assist you with other electrical services on-site after the Fixed Wire Inspection and Testing is done. We offer Remedial Action, EET, Thermographic Surveys, Panel Risk Assessments, and more.
If you have any questions about the Fixed Wire Inspection and Testing on your site, contact Guardian Electrical today!
#Electricalsafety #EaWR1989 #Fixedwiretesting #Guardianelectrical #Inspection #Compliance #TechnicalTuesday