Another Friday… another Find! This time brought to you by Guardian’s very own Sam Bray.
As you can see below, the worrying lack of ingress protection on this distribution is far from acceptable… especially due to the environment it is situated in …… a papermill.
Scenarios like this place an unnecessarily dangerous hazard to the workplace as well as fellow colleagues who may be unaware of the severe potential consequences they are exposed to.
One of the biggest dangers of dust beyond long-term damage to electronics themselves, are secondary events from flammable dust. A buildup of flammable dust could result in a fire that, depending on the ambient dust levels, could even result on a thermal runaway that may spread throughout the entire workplace.
Think you know your stuff? Name a regulation that would apply to the image below. We’ll start😉:
522.4 – Presence of solid foreign bodies (AE)
#safety #compliance #dutyholder #electricalsafety #firesafety #ingressprotection