⚽With just over 5 weeks until the big day, Guardian FC are happy to announce that we will be competing in the Theo Cup Football Tournament on Sunday 28th April 2024 in support of our chosen charity, The Children’s Hospital Charity. The competition will be taking place at the Goodwins Sports Centre in Sheffield, and we can’t wait to get going😁
💪Building from last year’s performances, Guardian FC have opted to add some young blood to their squad with the addition of 5 new players, in the hope to bring home the trophy the lads desire so much. Preparation has already taken place behind the scenes with multiple practice games in the calendar to ensure we’re as ready as we can be to try and go all the way this year! 🏆
💓The Children’s Hospital Charity has been our charity of choice for many years at Guardian and one we feel proud to continue to support this year and beyond through our participation in this great event. The ultimate vision of Sheffield Children’s Hospital it to provide a healthier future for children and young people of Sheffield, and the generosity of all donations, no matter how big or small, all play a huge contribution towards their aim of achieving this goal. 🎯
❄️Most recently, in December 2023, we took part in sponsoring a snowflake that could be seen on the Sheffield Children’s Hospital, which we are proud to say helped contribute to the biggest amount ever raised since the campaign began! These tittle acts of kindness can go a long way over a large scale of people and it’s all worth it when we see accomplishments like the 6-million-pound helipad development, as well as funding for specialist equipment and research for new medicines. 🏥
🤔So, what’s next you ask? TCHC have already set their sights on the next target! The National Centre for Child Health Technology (NCCHT). This is a project that which will be run by Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and The Children’s Hospital Charity have launched an appeal to raise £2m to help contribute towards the cost of the centre. This new project will help further bring to life the use of Robotics, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence. The centre will also have a virtual reality suite, a creative space to develop ways to care for people remotely as well as the opportunity to test new prototypes. Not only will this facility benefit the children and families of Sheffield, but it will also aim to bring together children of the present and future from across the world for generations to come. 🔮
💵Any donations towards this fantastic cause would be greatly appreciated. We have created a just giving page if you would like to do so! Guardian Electrical Compliance is fundraising for The Children’s Hospital Charity (justgiving.com)
#Football #5aside #GuardianElectrical #ElectricalSafety #SCHC #CharityWork #TheoCup #UTG