Why do I need a Surge Protection Device (SPD) installing?
An Electrical Surge or Transient Voltage can cause harm to electronic devices by overwhelming their circuits, potentially leading to data loss, hardware failure or even serious injury.
A Surge or Transient Voltage can simply be described as a sudden rush of electricity, that your devices aren’t designed to handle, and may irreparably damage anything from your IT infrastructure to costly machinery.
The primary function of an SPD is to detect when an electrical surge/transient voltage occurs, limit the voltage to a safer level and then, divert the surge current away from the protected equipment, usually to the ground. Installing and maintaining SPDs will help safeguard your electronics from these unexpected spikes.
As well as the installation of SPDs, regular maintenance is required, in the form of inspection & testing. Not included in a standard EICR, the inspection & testing of SPDs can be easily added onto the scope of works, ensuring the SPDs work correctly and have not encountered a surge already.
Is it a legal requirement to install Surge Protection Devices?
The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 EaWR 1989 is a statutory document and must be complied with. They are general, non-specific and need to be read in conjunction with the relevant British Standards and Codes of Practice. In this case, BSEN62305 ‘The Protection of Structures against Lightning’ and BS7671:2018 ‘Requirements for Electrical Installations’.
So, if you achieve conformity with the relevant parts of BS7671:2018 and BSEN62305 you are likely to achieve compliance with the statutory document; The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.

The Regulations...
BS EN 62305-4 Section 4.4 states -
“Lightning equipotential bonding (EB) in accordance with IEC 62305-3 will protect against dangerous sparking only. Protection of internal systems against surges requires a coordinated SPD system in accordance with IEC 62305-4”.
EaWR 1989 Regs 4(1) and 4(2) states -
As may be necessary to prevent danger, all systems, shall at all times be of such construction, so as not to give rise to danger.
- All systems – from a battery in your watch to a Power Station
- All times – no days off, no respite
- Construction – designed, installed maintained & operated.
BS7671:2018, regulation 443.4.1 states -
Protection for transient overvoltage shall be provided where the consequence by the overvoltage could result in:
- Serious injury to, or loss of, human life
- Significant financial or data loss
BS EN 62305 has specifically recognised the protection of such equipment within a normative part.
What Next?
Using existing electrical inspection & testing records, we can identify whether you have SPDs currently installed.
Quote issued within days to complete full installation of SPDs.
Attend site at a convenient time and complete installation of SPDs.
Complete testing, issue, and upload paperwork to TraQ-It.
TraQ-it is Guardian’s online reporting system, free to all clients.
Add SPD to maintenance programme to ensure ongoing compliance as per the requirement of Regs 4(1) & 4(2) of EaWR 1989.
Contact Guardian today using the form below. Our team will reach out to you promptly to arrange a quotation or provide any technical advice you may need.
Whether you have questions about our new surge protection services or any of our other electrical safety solutions, we are here to help you ensure the safety and efficiency of your electrical systems.