Guardian Electrical is a trusted provider of Remedial services for our clients since February 2019. We help our clients to address any electrical issues that are found during an Electrical Inspection and Testing on-site. An Electrical Danger Notification (EDN) is issued for any of the following observations:
🔴Code 1 – Immediate danger
🟠Code 2 – Urgent action needed
🟡Code 3 – Improvement advised 0
🔵FI – Further investigation required
As a duty holder under Regulation 3 of EaWR 1989, you have a legal obligation to: “follow the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, as far as they apply to you”. You are responsible for ensuring that all electrical safety standards are met and complied with.
🤔But why choose Guardian Electrical for your Remedial needs?
To name a few reasons…
🔧Excellent customer care
🔧Skilled and experienced remedial engineers
🔧Remedial quotes sent within five days of testing.
🔧Instant access to updated corrective action documents
🔧Automatic email notifications on certification completion via our very own TraQ-it
🔧The Remedial loop closed, and duty-holder obligations fulfilled.
🔧Free editing and updates
🔧Complete record management
🗣️Get in touch with us today and we will see how we can help you!
☎️ 0114 257 2080
#Electricalsafety #EaWR1989 #Fixedwiretesting #Guardianelectrical #Inspection #Compliance #Remedials